Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Anybody Still Out There?

Yes, you are still in the right place if you are looking for my blog...I just decided to spruce it up a bit and see how I like it.  So far, so good.  I'm not 100% sure of the neon green, but it's growing on me!  Hopefully the new design will inspire me to write more and post a ton of photos taken over the last year or so.  I have a hard time getting pictures to look right on here, so maybe I'll read up on it and see how it goes.

In the meantime, I hope you're having a great summer so far.  We've been swimming, going to the library, hanging out with friends, going on vacation, playing softball (the girls), coaching softball (Doug), watching softball (me) and avoiding softball (Jack & Abby...and sometimes me)!  The girls and Doug have also managed to squeeze basketball camp in between softball games.  This week we have Bible Camp mixed in with everything else.  We'd still like to get out to Lake Loramie much more, go to the swimming pool more, go the the zoo more (before our pass expires) and just enjoy the lazy days of summer more.  Any ideas on new, fun things to do around here?  We're all about short drives and inexpensive activities!

Enjoy YOUR summer...we're trying to make the most of it around here!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lightbulb Moment

After Jack said that Abby smells like purple, I thought I'd ask him what some other colors smell like.  Here is what he told me:

Green - grass
Red - apples
Pink - cotton candy
Yellow - lemons
Blue - water
Purple - grapes
Brown - brownies
White - popcorn
Orange - oranges

It was all pretty standard until we got to black.  I have to admit that when I asked Jack what black smells like he leaned over and smelled our black computer keyboard.  The boy just couldn't think of anything black that smelled good!  A light bulb suddenly seemed to go off in his head and then he said that black smelled like smoke, which I thought was a pretty good answer.  Then it dawned on me that he could've gotten that one from his Momma almost starting the house on fire earlier in the day and that I quite possibly had permantly scarred him for life.  Oooops!

RECAP:  In trying to make some S'more-like brownies for Hannah to bring to a party today, I topped the brownies with chocolate chips and mini-marshmallows and put them in the oven.  Under the broiler.  On high.  Didn't set the timer.  Was gonna stand there and just watch it.  Started unloading the dishwasher.  Promptly forgot about the brownies.  Suddenly remembered the brownies.  After multiple minutes.  Screeched.  Opened the oven.  Smoke rolled out (black like Jack said).  Flames shot up.  Grabbed some hotpads and got that baby outta there.  Fanned the flames out.  CHARCOAL marshmallows, anyone?  Fire alarm goes off.  Doug races from his naptime slumber.  Calls 911 while disabling our fire alarm.  Diverts an embarrassing visit from our local firemen.  Scraped the smoldering marshmallows off the top of the brownies.  Added new marshmallows.  Put them back under the broiler to "toast" them.  Watched them closely AND set the timer.  Came out ooey and gooey.  Tasted one to make sure they didn't taste burnt.  Thumbs up.  Sent Hannah and her Smokin' Brownies on their merry way. 

And that's how Jack learned what black smells like. 

Hey, I'm all about education and hands-on learning and stuff.  I'm a good Mom like that.  I risk burning the house down so my kid can learn. 

Now, please don't call child protection services... ;)


Jack was hollering from the living room the other day because Abby was sitting on top of him trying to kiss him.  I told him to settle down because she was just being sweet.  He said "but she smells like PURPLE!"  Made me laugh...so I asked him what purple smells like and he said "you know...grapes!"  I guess there could be worse things than a little girl giving you kisses that smells like grapes!  Not according to the big brother apparently!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Another Jack-ism

The other night Jack & I were laying in his bed before he dozed off to sleep.  I had my mouth near his ear and was whispering something to him.  He was half asleep, but awake enough to say "Ugh...your bref (yes, he pronnounces breath like bref) stinks!"  I laughed and asked how he could tell that because my mouth was nowhere near his nose.  He said "because I can smell it through my ear!"  Oh, how he cracks me up, even when he's being painfully honest!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Playing Catch-up

Yes, I've been absent from this blog lately...lots to catch you up on! Since I last posted, my kids have started a new school year.

Hannah is now in Jr. High! Talk about making me feel old...I can't believe I have a kid that is almost a teenager! Seems like only yesterday that she was running around the house in her underware playing dress up. WAIT! That WAS only yesterday...hahahaha. She'll be mad that I wrote that. Good thing she has a pretty good sense of humor most days. Once in awhile I'll go a bit too far in the teasing department and she lets me know it. Mostly she is good for some laughs and takes teasing pretty well. That's important around here because I love playing little practical jokes on the kids and if they couldn't take it, it'd be a problem! Back to Hannah...so far her 7th grade year is going well. She is in volleyball and they have had a good season so far. They've only lost 2 games to (AHEM) Ft. Loramie. She's been doing well with her grades, too. I am always impressed with how well she does in math, and thanking The Lord that she seems to "get it." I struggled in math in jr. high & high school and am so glad that my girls are doing well in that department! She is definitely a big help around here with the younger two. As I type, I can hear her in the other room playing with them. Hopefully it doesn't end in crying and screaming because that tends to be the norm around here. Starts out nice and then suddenly someone's MAD. Sometimes Hannah tries to be the MOM, which is a big problem, especially when I am standing right there. I know she's trying to help, but man, it drives me crazy! Other than that, she's a pretty good kid. Wouldn't change anything except that she hates to shop...don't know how I managed to get a daughter that doesn't like to shop, but I did. It's like pulling teeth to get her to let me buy her anything. If I remember right, she was so miserable the last time I forced her to go shopping with me for clothes for her that she cried! When I was her age, I loved it when my Mom took me shopping (rarely happened, but I loved it). Hannah is pretty self-less when it comes to spending money on her...that's a good quality to have and one that I just don't understand!!! ;)

Chloe, on the other hand, is my little shopping buddy. She doesn't mind my buying her anything and her closet definitely shows it. That girl is my little fashionista and loves anything cute she can get her hands on. I call her my mini-me because she reminds me a lot of myself at that age. If I had a dollar in my pocket, I had to spend it. I always chose the biggest cookie, the biggest brownie or whatever and left messes around wherever I went. I was stubborn about silly things. It's kinda funny that the things I most disliked about myself when I was younger are the things that drive me the most crazy about her! I see those traits in her and it makes me cringe that I somehow passed those things on to her. She is different in some good ways, though. She is great about keeping her room clean and helping with chores (most of the time). She is pretty good with her little brother and sister and doesn't go overboard in the mothering department like someone I mentioned earlier! I also love it when Chloe laughs so hard that she cries (yes, she got that from me). She has this really deep belly laugh and her eyes tear up. She can barely tell me what is so funny because she laughs so hard. Usually it's something funny that Jack says or does. She is in the 5th grade this year and doing very well. She didn't have the normal 2-3 week period that she was totally stressed out over getting used to new teachers and schedules. My girl is growing up! She's great about doing her homework before I tell her to and I rarely have to bug her about making sure she's getting all of her reading in. She just does it. I am grateful for that. Heck, I don't even have to bug her to get to bed...she just does it. Hannah has been staying up later and I usually have to tell her to get to bed. Chloe is usually sleeping before I even think to tell her to go to bed. She's also great about getting up in the morning and getting herself ready for school. Hannah is getting better at it, but like me, is a late to bed, late to rise kind of girl. She's a little slower moving in the morning, where Chloe is up and ready and waiting for the other two to get their rears in gear! This year is proving Chloe to be a good student and a responsible kid. I think she's turning out quite well, if I do say so myself!

Jack, my little man, is in Kindergarten this year! I can't believe he's grown up so fast. He is a constant source of laughter (and NOISE) in our house. The boy has the loudest voice for a 5 year old. He has no volume button. You tell him to whisper and he just doesn't know how to do it! He also has the loudest girl scream of anyone in this house. It pierces my ears and makes me CRAZY! Most of the time it's because one of his sisters is chasing him or took something away from him. Usually it's justified, but makes me nuts none-the-less! Jack has been doing well in school. I was a little afraid that morning kindergarten would do us both in, but so far he's been doing okay getting up in the morning (me, not so much!). Mrs. Dapore says he follows directions well and works hard. They are learning "popcorn words," which are high frequency words, and he is finding them everywhere we go. I am happy that he hasn't gotten in trouble for talking because boy, can that kid talk! I think he saves is all up for home because he doesn't stop talking until he falls asleep. By 9:00 at night, I am just ready for some QUIET! He has been a little less loving with his baby sister since he started school, but played well with her today. She idolizes him and does everything just like Jack. Good thing he's generally a pretty good boy! It warms my heart when he calls her "sweetie" or "baby girl" and plays with her. He's been such a source of joy in our family and can always bring a smile to our faces...we love having him around!

Abby just turned 3 yrs. old on the 21st of September. She wanted to have a princess party and boy, did she! Princess this and that...most of her gifts had to do with princesses. She didn't quit smiling all day long! We kinda bribed her to get her princess party...she wasn't doing too hot on the potty training front. We'd been working on it all summer long and she was kind of hit or miss. She rarely told me when she had to go...I had to catch her...and she never just went by herself. Hannah did a great job helping me out over summer break. I told her I'd let her have a party for all of the girls in her class if she managed to get Abby potty trained...whatever works, right? However, Abby just wasn't interested in doing it without constant reminding. I was so tired of hearing the buzzer on the stove going off all summer long that I was about to give up. I mentioned to her a couple of times that she couldn't have her princess party if she didn't go on the potty all of the time. The week before her birthday she suddenly just started going to the potty all by herself and staying dry all night. We have had her in underware ever since and she hasn't had even one accident! I can't believe it! No more diapers! Anyone need some pull-ups? They have monster trucks on them (that's because my husband doesn't take the time to see if they are boy or girl pull-ups when purchasing them. No, this isn't the first time he'd done that. Yes, it made me crazy)! We are happily not needing them anymore. However, I do need a belt for the skinny-butt! None of her pants will stay up without the extra padding! I am very proud of her and so glad that potty training is OVER! She seems so much more grown-up in other ways now, too. She isn't getting into quite as much stuff as she had been and I am enjoying the couple of hours in the morning that we have by ourselves. It's hard to believe that she will also be going to school in just a few short years. That is going to be so hard to see my baby get on the school bus, but it will be nice to have a whole day to myself!

Who am I kidding? Then hubby will be shoving the help wanted ads in my face and telling me to get a REAL job!

Speaking of Hubby...his 40th birthday is this Sunday! I still remember when I used to think 40 was old! Now, not so much! We got together with some of his high school buddies this past Saturday. He seemed to be having a good time when I got there and he paid for it Sunday morning with a bit of a headache. I had to videotape a wedding, so I got there late, but I enjoyed seeing everyone and ended up having a good time, even though I was pretty darn tired. We don't get together with them as often as we should.

Sunday is also my baby sister's birthday. Shelly is only going to be 24...what a young pup. I still remember when she was born and I couldn't wait to hold her. She has been so much fun to have around and is one of my bestest friends. I can't imagine what I'd do without her! Happy Birthday, Boogs!

I have been very busy with weddings this month. I usually only schedule two a month to keep from going crazy, but I have 4 weddings in 5 weeks, plus the Senior Class Play to videotape. After that, I have a lot of time off and will be so glad to catch up on editing all the videos that are piling up on me! We also have several Woods parties to attend in my parents woods. Hopefully the weather will hold out and we will have some beautiful fall days. I also told Hannah she could have the "potty" party I promised her for helping with Abby's potty training. I think that we'll have that in the woods, as well. Hot dogs and s'mores and campfires and 20 girls...sounds like a recipe for FUN (or trouble)! Wish me luck!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

4-H Fever

What do you call someone who waits until the last minute to get her Tweens 4-H photography projects developed, framed and/or put on a poster board? One sleep-deprived crazy loon of a Mom who really needs a nap and/or some MAJOR chocolate!

Yes, I did it again. For some reason, I just cannot get my rear into gear to help my girls finish these projects ahead of schedule. I say I thrive under pressure. Hubby says I LOSE it under pressure. I think it's a wacky mixture of both. My best ideas come at the very last second but I nearly lose my mind in the process. I make my kids and husband crazy with last minute changes that I am convinced will help them bring home the coveted "Outstanding of the Day" ribbon. I turn into one of "those" Moms who go a little overboard...get a little competetive...catch the 4-H Fever. Purely for the sake of the kids, of course.

Last night was no exception. While the girls and I had matted and framed their photos on Sunday (yes, 2 days ahead of schedule), Hannah and I finally tackled the project that took the most creativity and time. Last night. At 10:00. What was I thinking??? Thank goodness that I am a night owl by nature or I might not have been able to keep my eyes open long enough to finish. Not to mention having to keep poking Hannah every time her head bobbed and drool started to appear in the corner of her snoring mouth. We actually came up with a game plan pretty quickly. Unfortunately, the execution of said plan shatters my fantasy of cranking the project out and being able to sleep like a baby within a half hour of starting the project. Again, WHAT WAS I THINKING???

Hannah chose to take photos of various church steeples for her "photos in a series." This project has been in the works for over a year because we were GOING to do it last year, but decided at the last minute that we liked sleep more than an extra project! Hence, we gave ourselves an entire year to figure out exactly what we were going to do. So, when did we start said project? You guessed it! Last night. Judging for this project was this morning at 10:10. We finished applying all photos and lettering (which had to be cut out individually) to her poster board at 2 a.m. You might not think that seems like a lot, but when the title of her project is "Here's the Church, Here's the Steeple..." you suddenly realize just how many letters that is and how many e's you have to cut the tiny little hole out of. My fingers have yet to recover from holding that scissors for an hour straight. Yes, Hannah was awake. She was working on getting the photos framed nicely and secured to the poster board. It was during the gluing of the letters that I thought I was going to lose her to the sandman! Needless to say, we managed to finish it and were pretty happy with the results.

But, 7 am came a bit too early for me. So much so that I thought I'd close my eyes for just a little longer...then I awoke with a jolt and discovered it was 7:45 and I'd wanted to leave at 8:15! Fortunately, I'd told the girls to get their clothes ready the night before and I had everything pretty much ready to go. When we got there, we were amongst the first to arrive! YEAH! We actually scored some seats! Last year the girls' times were later so all seats were taken by the time we got there! That's a LONG time to stand with two tired, grumpy girls!

Needless to say, The girls both received all "A" ribbons on their projects. Hannah was awarded an Honorable mention for both her Black and White entry and the storyboard we pulled an all nighter on. So, I guess it was worth the extra trouble. Who needs an Outstanding of the Day ribbon anyway? In my mind, the Honorable Mention is better than the Outstanding of the day...you still get some of the glory without having to advance to the State Fair! I will just be happy with what the girls got. After all, I don't want to be one of "those" moms and obsess over what they could have done better, you know?

Now, I gotta go. We have some work to do for next year's photography projects...Tweens, where are you? (I think they're hiding under their beds) Momma has an idea...........!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Back Seat Driver

So, the other day, Jack and I were going to Troy to run some errands. Slowing down at a stop sign and thinking out loud, I said "I wonder what the quickest way to get to Troy is from here." A second later, Jack says "I know the quickest way to get to Troy from here." I thought to myself "this ought to be good" and asked him what he thought. He said "the quickest way to Troy from here is to DRIVE FASTER!" I burst out laughing and told him he cracks me up. Straight-faced he said "It WASN'T a joke!" which, of course, made me laugh even harder.

I find the times he isn't trying to be funny are the times he makes me laugh the hardest. Gotta love that boy!